Why alien eyes? Because somewhere there must be other eyes turned towards the sky trying to penatrate the misteries of our universe and to meet the eyes of alien people millions of years apart.
And I always tryed to find the the logical evidence of their existence. And I think I did.
But soon in my life I realized that very often also my eyes were looking at the reality in a different way than most do. For example, reading the Bible it was clear to me that it was not a mith or an allegory, at least for what concerns the story of the patriarchs and of the Jewish people. A really extraordinary and fascinating history.
And even more fascinating is the figure of Moses, the greatest of the profets and the man who changed the course of the humankind's history. And I had the extraordinary chance to find the actual archaeological evidence, that allowed me to follow pace to pace all his dids.
Not all section are yet translated into English, but soon or later they will. In any case there are in the web several topics of some interest and besides there are a few books in English were the main subjects are treated in depth.